Robert Pritchard
I really can’t say enough about SCSAF. The foundation has helped in so many ways, not just me but also my Family. The foundation made it possible for my mom to give me the best care that was needed for my recovery, they have been there not only financially but also emotionally. The foundation have taught me and my family how important it is to give selflessly. Deanna saw my story in the Orlando Sentinel and took the time to reach out to me and my family. And then from there a life long connection and bond was formed!

Amber Miller
Not only did they help her speak and write again….they gave her self confidence, hope, new friends and her family back. By opening up communication abilities,She is able to reconnect with her family and start a book about her life. I can’t imagine what would have happened to her spirit, her family, her self esteem and her family had she not been given this opportunity. It was life-changing.

Renee Lindley
The Scott Coopersmith Stroke Awareness Foundation offered to match any money I raised penny for penny, and within a few weeks I had raised $2500.00 through different fundraisers. SCSAF matched it with $2500.00 and I was able to purchase The Walkaide in August 2017. I still use it daily and am able to walk around the house with only the use of the Walkaid now!
I am so grateful to The Scott Coopersmith Stroke Awareness Foundation for giving me a little more hope of walking again. This organization helps so many people who have suffered from a stroke, as well as the caretakers and family of stroke victims.

Jack Uhing
Jack Uhing was 65 years old and in the ICU recovering from a motorcycle accident when he suffered a stroke in May 2016. His only symptoms included memory loss and sagging on the right side of his face. After two months in the hospital, he was released and continued with outpatient physical therapy. SCSAF was able to support Jack through this difficult time by helping with his mortgage payments so that he could fully focus on his recovery. Fourteen months later, Jack has fully recovered, but still suffers from some memory problems. Jack feels it is important to raise stroke awareness in the community because, “Someone suffers a stroke every 45 seconds, and every 3.1 minutes someone dies from a stroke.” He encourages people who think they are having a stroke to get help immediately. SCSAF is dedicated to helping stroke survivors in any way possible so that their recovery can be the primary focus during a difficult time.

Amanda Church
My name is Brandon DePalma and I am lucky enough to be Amanda Church’s fiancé. On July 21st 2017 she unfortunately had 2 massive strokes and was transported to the Neuro Intensive Care Unit at Shand’s Hospital where she remained unresponsive for the next 9 days. It was identified that she had permanent damage to 40% of her brain tissue due to the strokes and a diagnoses of Global Aphasia was given to her due to the extensive damage.
I sincerely want to thank The Scott Coopersmith Stroke Awareness Foundation along with The Aphasia House and its clinicians for giving Amanda and her family some semblance of a better life. If Amanda was given the opportunity to attend the intensive therapy program at The Aphasia House again she would appreciatively do so with a smile. She wanted me to tell each and every one of you “Thank You”.

Christopher Scott
We could never show enough thankfulness to SCSAF for what they’ve done for us. Literally, they are giving my husband his life back in so many ways. – Rachel Scott

Rodel Beredo
They really helped me to be here. I am thankful that they helped me. I want to thank you for helping me get better.

Carlos Dallapiccola
Deanna, you are such an amazing and bold person! You cared enough to create this foundation that provides emotional & financial help to stroke victims and their families like my own.
Johnny Robinson
Jasmine Stiles
Jonathan Miklos
Jared Manning
Amanda Church
Mateo Galeano
My family and I are very blessed to have the support of the foundation in our greatest time of need. The assistance we received gave us the opportunity to focus in on Mateo and our family during that difficult time.
- Written by Cesar, Mateo's father